Monday, 27 November 2017

October 2017 Wrap-Up

Okay so I realize that this post is really late. I mean it's practically November and I'm doing my October wrap-up! I was quite busy, and had some personal family stuff occur but I am at least getting this out before December! So here we go - my very late October wrap-up. 

Books I Read: 

No. of Books Read in October: 13

1. Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason - 2.5/3 Stars
What I Liked: This book has potential I'll give it that - it did keep me engaged and interested enough that I want to see what happens in subsequent books. I liked that it tied the Stoker family to Colleen Gleason's adult vampire series the Gardella Vampire series - which I already read and loved. I also really like Evaline and Pix - these character intrigued me enough that I want to keep reading if only, solely, to see how their story ends.
What I Disliked: Mina is a bit of a wet blanket. I didn't like how mean the girls were to each other. The writing isn't fantastic, and there are some common YA tropes (insta-love, love triangle etc.). I hated the time travel aspect of the story and I really don't see how that is AT ALL going to be relevant but maybe Ms. Gleason will surprise me.
Will I Continue the Series: I already have. I know Ms. Gleason's writing well enough that I trust that the first book was just world-building and setting up to even better stories (similar to the Gardella Vampire series). Given that this is her first foray into YA literature it isn't a terrible book, I did enjoy it, its just that it isn't the best book I've read. Because of its potential though (and because I care about Evaline and Pix) I will continue the series because these are short reads I can finish in the afternoon.

2. Terry Jones' Medieval Lives by Terry Jones and Alan Ereira - 3 Stars
What I Liked: A quick non-fiction read (you don't get a lot of those). It was written with humour and I leaned quite a few new facts.
What I Disliked: I found some of the tidbits a bit... random? I was hoping for more in depth analysis on certain parts - while I enjoyed how quick it was, I found that some aspects were just a tidbit and I really wished they hadn't been. I also found there were some random tangents that the authors went off on, which removed me from the way the book was organized.

3-5. The Diviners Series (Books #1-3) by Libba Bray - 5 Stars
What I Liked: EVERYTHING. I loved everything about this series. I loved the setting. I adored the characters. I marathoned the series because I am obsessed. It is the best book(s) I have read so far this year. 
What I Disliked: My ONLY complaints are the plot is quite slow and it takes a while to get going, and what happens between Jericho and Evie was quite messed up (and felt like a cop out).  I also have very little interest in Mabel, but even then, I can't really find anything I hate about this series. It is small minor complaints and overall I wouldn't change a thing because I LOVE IT
Will I Continue the Series: YES OMG YES. I read the first so quickly and then devoured the next two in just a few days time (and they are not short books) - I NEED THE FOURTH BOOK TO COME OUT.

6. Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer - 2 Stars
What I Liked: So I bought a beautiful signed hardcover edition of this book, and god I wanted to like this so much BUT I DIDN'T.  I absolutely ADORE Sleeping Beauty, it is my all-time favourite fairy tale, and favourite Disney movie - so I will read pretty much anything related to Sleeping Beauty. So this book had a concept that I adored. I also really enjoyed the villain in the story, and I sort of wish we got to see more of the Evil Queen and her evil sister because they were awesome. 
What I Disliked: Pretty much everything else. This was a pretty cliched re-telling of Sleeping Beauty and - despite an interesting concept - was not well executed. First off, the book was far too short for the amount of plot the author stuffed in. I found that it was so short that the plot just sort of jumped along, without any real character development or build up. Plus it ended on a cliffhanger which was annoying because I DON'T WANT TO CONTINUE THIS. The romances felt forced. And honestly, the magic element of the book was fairly confusingly written (you'll know what I mean if you read the book). I genuinely don't feel I grasped parts of the plot because the author tried to make magic sound super magical... but only ended up making it confusing. Oh and for a book about sisterhood, the sisters didn't have any noticeable bond. At all. So yeah - overall disappointed. But I can't get rid of a pretty signed hardcover. 
Will I Continue the Series: I did read the whole thing so it isn't a 1 star review. and I didn't throw it across the room in frustration. So I'm giving it 2 stars because I didn't hate it but I definitely won't be continuing the series.

7. Blood Red by Mercedes Lackey - 2 Stars
What I Liked: I always love the Elemental Masters world Mercedes Lackey has built - it is a very intricate magical system set in 1800s history. I love that the books are fairy tale retellings.
What I Disliked: Literally nothing happened in this book. Like there is no plot. It was boring and dull. I could not name a single character because I found most of them didn't jump off the page. Also, I found that the characters seemed to be quite similar to previous character Lackey has written in the series, making me worried she might just be writing these and not... making an effort?
Will I Continue the Series: I've already read a couple books in Mercedes Lackey's Elemental Masters series - and I have to admit this series is really a mixed bag. Some of these books I've really enjoyed ( such as Unnatural Issue, or Phoenix and Asheswhile others are like Blood Red and have really fallen flat (I'm talking about Home From the Sea which I couldn't even finish). Since it is a companion series and each book follows a new cast of characters, and a new fairy tale, I probably will continue to read on the ones that interest me and hope that they are better than Blood Red.

8. Moon Called (Mercy Thompson #1) by Patricia Briggs - 2.5 Stars
What I Liked: It was an easy light read - perfect for an afternoon when I don't want to focus too hard on something. I did enjoy that for an urban fantasy novel it wasn't all smut - the author is clearly trying to build a believable slow burn romance. Mercy Thompson (our main character) was tough but not a total bad ass all the time, which was refreshing - I feel like sometimes urban fantasy stories make their female characters the baddest bitches ever and it seems so forced because not everyone can be like that. 
What I Disliked: That's about it - it was fluff and not really very memorable fluff. I used to love urban fantasy stories like this in my teens but I think it's time to accept that I don't enjoy them anymore, and move on because I haven't found a new one I've enjoyed in ages. The story was fine, the characters were fine. Everything was fine. But none of it was memorable and the only character's name I remember a month later is Mercy Thompson and that's because she's the title character. So yeah - it just really wasn't memorable enough to warrant more stars. Also there were a lot of tropes common in early 2000s novels. 
Will I continue the Series: Probably not. This just really didn't engage me and I don't really care what happens to anyone. It wasn't a bad book, I just don't think urban fantasy and I get along anymore - especially when there are like 8 more books in the series

9. Spirit Glass Charade by Colleen Gleason - 3 Stars
What I Liked: A slight improvement over the first. I like the mystery more and found it more compelling. I still really prefer Evaline and Pix's adventures! But Mina and Inspector Grayling are beginning to grow on me, as is there flirty banter.
What I Disliked: There is still way to much girls hating girls. And the time travel aspect. And Dylan - god just send Dylan away already. This series has the potential to be amazing but it's stuck in slightly mediocre right now. 
Will I continue the Series: Yes, because I enjoy torturing myself. Despite how mediocre these books are I am still intrigued to see what happens and find out who the Ankh is. I am still interested in Pix and Evaline dammit. Plus the books are so short I can read them in one sitting in an afternoon so it isn't too much a tremendous effort to continue.

10. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah - 3.5 Stars
What I Liked: it was a really moving story about women in WWII - it made me cry my eyes out at the end, and I know a book is pretty good when I at least shed a few tears. I loved that the story focused on the women's perspective during the takeover of France by Germany in the war. I also really loved Isabelle as a character and really enjoyed her chapters and story - she was a headstrong, and oftentimes frustrating character, but I loved her courage and determination and found her very inspiring. I really liked reading from her perspective in the book and hearing her adventures as a member of the French Resistance. 
What I Disliked: However; the second sister, Vianne, I found much harder to read. I personally disliked her, and while I understood her plight, I just found her chapters much less enjoyable and struggled to get through them. I also would add a trigger warning for sexual violence in this book - something which I personally found distasteful and don't think contributed to the plot. Finally, the writing was fine but it wasn't the lyrical prose I'm used to in most historical fiction - which definitely meant I wasn't as immersed in the story as I have been in other books set in this time period. 

11. Every Heart a Doorway  by Seanan McGuire- 3.5 Stars
What I Liked: The main character is amazing - I really loved Nancy, she is a unique and delightful character and is unlike anyone else I've ever read about. She is well thought out and beautifully described - and she was so frank and honest about being asexual. It was great having such a diverse cast of characters. I thought the story was well written and much creepier then I was expecting! The plot was unique and it was a quick and enjoyable read for a nice fall day. 
What I Disliked: While the characters were introduced very well, I did find the overall length of the story to be a bit... rushed? I realise this is a novella but I felt that the secondary characters and the emotional impact of the story was missing if only because the story was so short. I really like the story, but I did go in expecting to be AMAZED and I left feeling less than that. I think hype caused me in part to give this a lower rating then I normally would have because I cant think of too much I disliked but it really wasn't a four star book for me. 
Will I continue the Series: These novellas are easy enough to finish in a sitting - if they go on sale again on the Kindle store I would definitely pick them up. While a bit over hyped I think, they were good and definitely unique stories and I would love to explore all the "portal" worlds talked about in the novella.

12. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee - 4 stars
What I Liked: Pretty much everything - I loved the characters, especially Monty. I loved the story - it was such a fun and funny adventure! I liked how it was so funny that I laughed out loud. And the book dealt with so many issues that people still deal with today - sexuality, ableism, abuse, racism. it was an amazing romp through 18th century Europe, with characters I want to be best friends with and issues that still are real today.  See my full review here
What I Disliked: Helena and Dante and most of Spain - these characters were just the worst and made a portion of the middle of the book drag quite a bit. I also have my own issues with the ending (I'm a bit of a realist and think it was tied up a little too neatly). But overall, not too many complaints. 
Will I Continue the Series: YES - I need to know if Monty and Percy truly get their happy ever after - because I'm sorry but the ending BOTHERED ME TO KNOW END. I also want to know what happened to Felicity. And you know, I want to laugh out loud while I read this series because it is that hilarious. 

13. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - 3 Stars
What I Liked: It wasn't what I was expecting - I really wasn't expecting to sympathise with the monster and his plight. It was a much more philosophical outlook on science and humanity, which I did enjoy sort of analysing on my own. I expected it to be much more horror based and it wasn't. I also listened to the audio book for this narrated by Dan Stevens, and his voice is like silk and so amazing - I highly recommend anything he narrates. 
What I Disliked: Veeeery slow. Like my god, I wanted to skim half the monsters speech when I was listening. I was literally going GET ON WITH IT.

Books I Bought

No. of Books Bought: 27

It was the 10th anniversary of Amazon's Kindle so there were so many amazing Kindle book deals every day in October, which definitely contributed to my insane amount of books bought this month. Also signed up for Audible and got 2 free books for signing up. I think the only books I bought at full price this month was Lair of Dreams and Before the Devil Breaks You (#2 and #3 in the Diviners series respectively) because I absolutely needed to finish the current books in The Diviners series. Below is a list of all the books I purchased this month:

  1. Lair of Dreams by Libby Bray (Kindle Edition)
  2. Before the Devil Breaks You by Libby Bray(Kindle Edition) - literally the only book I paid full price for this month because I NEEDED TO CONTINUE THIS SERIES OMG
  3. Cinder by Marissa Meyer (Kindle Edition) - trying this again, I gave away my paperback copy years ago because I DNF'd the book but I want to try again and I couldn't turn it down for $1.99
  4. The Shadow Hour by Melissa Grey (Kindle Edition) - second book in the Girl at Midnight series; hoping it is better than the first book which was very mediocre!
  5. I Kissed a Rogue by Shana Galen (Kindle Edition) - because sometimes we all need some harlequin romance
  6.  Unhooked by Lisa Maxwell (Kindle Edition)
  7. 2 A.M. at the Cat's Pajamas by Marie-Helene Bertino (Kindle Edition)
  8. A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly (Kindle Edition) - read The Diviners and immediately needed to buy more books about the 1920s and magic 
  9. The River of No Return by Bee Ridgway (Kindle Edition)
  10. The Spiritglass Charade by Colleen Gleason (Kindle Edition) - #2 in the Clockwork Scarab series
  11. Born of Illusion by Teri Brown (Kindle Edition) - more 1920s magic reads that I bought because of The Diviners 
  12. Beast by Donna Jo Napoli (Kindle Edition)
  13. A Deadly Affection by Cuyler Overholt (Kindle Edition) - Edwardian mystery series I bought because I enjoyed the Veronica Speedwell books so much
  14. The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty (Kindle Edition) - more 1920s reads thanks to The Diviners 
  15. Roar by Cora Carmack (Kindle Edition)
  16. Ross Poldark by Winston Graham (Kindle Edition) - I love the TV show so hopefully the book is as good (and as maddening and heart wrenching) 
  17. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (Kindle Edition) - obviously I'm going to pick up Pulitzer Prize winners
  18. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (Kindle Edition)
  19. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut (Kindle Edition) 
  20. The Colour Purple by Alice Walker (Kindle Edition) 
  21. Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind (Kindle Edition) - #2 in the Sword of Truth series, I own the first one and haven't finished it but I want to be optimistic and think I'm going to love this series because I loved the TV show Legend of the Seeker so much 
  22. London Belongs To Me by Jacquely Middleton (Kindle Edition) 
  23. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (Kindle Edition) 
  24. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan MacGuire (Kindle Edition) 
  25. The Other Einstein by Heather Terrell (Kindle Edition)
  26. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (Audiobook - Narrated by Christian Coulson)
  27. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Audiobook - Narrated by Dan Stevens) 

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